Flaxseeds (Linseed/in hindi “Alsi”)

Flax is a food and fiber crop cultivated in cooler regions of the world. The textiles made from flax are known in the Western countries as linen, and traditionally used for bed sheets, underclothes, and table linen. The oil is known as Linseed Oil.
Flaxseeds are small brown, tan or golden-colored seeds. They are great source of dietary fiber; minerals like manganese, thiamine and magnesium; and plant-based protein. Flax is one of the richest sources of plant based omega-3 fatty acids, called Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), in the world. Flawxseeds are also the no.1 source of lignans in the human diets; it contains about 7 times as many lignans as Sesame seed.
Flaxseeds can be eaten as whole/unground seeds or sprouted or as powder form with other foods. Flaxseeds are used to make flaxseed oil, which is easily digested and concentrated source of healthy fats.
Benefits of Flaxseeds:
·        * Flaxseeds are good sources of many nutrients like proteins, vitamins, minerals,  and  fibers .
·         *Due to presence of Omega-3 fatty acid, it helps to reduce cholesterol level and lower the risk of stroke and heart attack.
·         *Due to presence of lignans, it may reduce the risk of cancer.
·         *Presence of fiber helps to improve our digestive health.
·         *Flaxseeds have proven to lower blood pressure, especially helpful for those with high blood pressure.
·         *For vegetarians, it is alternative source of meat because it contains high amount of proteins
·         *It may lower blood sugar due to their insoluble fiber content.
·         *Flaxseeds keep you full longer, and may help in weight loss.
·         *It helps to decrease menopausal and hormonal imbalance symptoms.
