Lemon 🍋, Honey 🍯 and Water 💦

Honey, lemon and water - makes for a great way to kick start your day.

Honey and lemon are both popularly recognized for their many health benefits. Honey is a powerhouse of antioxidants and flavonoids, that help boost one's immunity. It is low on the glycemic index and hence does not contribute to calories. Lemon is a very rich source of Vitamin C and works as a detoxifying agent. The pectin fibres present in lemon slow down the digestion of sugars and starches, and improve gut health.

Benefits are :
# Honey, lemon and water is cleansing in nature and it's a great way to the break the fast after sleeping at night.
# Helps in weight loss: The combination of honey and lemon makes you feel full for longer, and reduces cravings, thus helping you maintain a healthy weight.
# Drinking honey, lemon and water helps boost energy, and especially helps in maintaining energy levels during your workout sessions.
# Improve digestion :Consuming honey and lemon in lukewarm water helps relieve constipation and improves digestion. It is very soothing.
# Boost Immunity: It provides essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B, vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorous and calcium. It helps kick-start your system, remove toxins and protects the body from catching infections.
# Lowers Chance of Urine Infection:Drinking honey, lemon and water first thing in the morning cleanses the urinary tract and keeps urine infections at bay.
# Good for Skin: It is antibacterial and cleansing in nature, purifies your blood, boosts collagen and leaves you with radiant, flawless skin.
