Jaggery ("Gur" in hindi)

Jaggery is a sweetener that's becoming popular as a "healthy" replacement for sugar. Jaggery is made from the juice of sugarcane or palm, which is heated to produce thick crystals. It contains sugar in sucrose form and is used in many food products as a sweetening agent.
It is made by evaporating the water from the sugarcane juice or palm sap. 
Nowadays,Jaggery is becoming famous for it's amazing health benefits.
It's benefits are:
  • Improves digestion or prevents constipation : It activates digestive enzymes and functions like acetic acid in the stomach, thus speeding up digestion and smoothening the process, ultimately reducing strain on the intestines and the digestive tract.
  • Cleansing agent : Jaggery cleans the respiratory tracts, lungs,food pipe, stomach, and intestines.
  • Boosts energy :Due to presence of carbohydrates in it, it gives energy upon oxidation.
  • Rich in minerals :Jaggery is rich in minerals like iron, calcium, zinc, potassium
  • Purifies Blood :When we consume Jaggery on a regular basis, it cleanses the blood, leaving our body healthy.
  • Prevents Blood Diseases And Disorders :Jaggery helps in boosting the total count of hemoglobin in the blood.It also boosts the immunity that helps in preventing a wide variety of blood disorders and diseases.
  • Treats Menstrual Problems :Jaggery is an effective natural treatment for many menstrual problems. It also helps in providing relief from cramps and stomach ache that are associated with menstruation.
  • Reduces Retention Of Water : Jaggery contains many essential minerals, especially potassium,which helps in the reduction of water retention, thus managing our weight also.
  • Controls Blood Pressure :Jaggery contains potassium and sodium, which play an important role in the maintenance of acid levels in the body. It also makes sure that a normal level of blood pressure is properly maintained.
  • Treats Cough And Cold :Jaggery is known for its ability to naturally treat a cough and cold effectively.It also works well for migraines and headaches.
  • Relieves Joint PainIf you often suffer from aches and pains in your joints, eating jaggery can provide you with the much-needed relief.
  • Controls Body Temperature :Jaggery helps in controlling the temperature of the body.
  • Natural Sweetening Agent.
  • Cools The Stomach.
  • Nourishes The Skin.
  • Treats Acne And Pimples : Jaggery helps in treating and preventing many skin problems such as acne and pimples. Hence, it helps in keeping the skin blemish-free. It also delays the signs of aging such as wrinkles, dark spots, etc.
